Sunday, June 22, 2008


THE MOG BLOG continues...

I've been writing the code for that widget on the right there for the majority of this morning...Wait it seems to suddenly be afternoon...Whatever.

Anyway i am now contented with it and i reckon it's pretty cool in managing to link all the services i'm using together in one place. Also you can copy and paste the code into your website/blog/SNS etc adn follow me. Not that i can particuarly think of any reason for that, it's more me testing out ideas.

I have refrained from watching kung fu films in my pants so far today but am unwilling to accept the inevitable consequence of finishing this and then having a bath. You know what it's like..."Can't be bothered to get dressed now...I reckon I'll sit in me pants for a bit..." and before you know where you are you're on a chop socky watching crap crisp munching extravaganza that will only end in massive embarrasssment when the neighbours catch you trying to get the washing in...not that i've done any washing but you know what i mean. Maybe rescuing the tent from the vile clutches of the spiders in that strange enclosure under the shed.

Pants wearing chop socky are in my head for a reason today as Lynne has gone to Spain and is not back 'til next Saturday, which leaves the brilliantly incompetent me to perfect my soft furnishing impressions when the door goes. Maybe i should just have a beer....

Hello Lynne, Pen and Kel and Carol.

Oooo one more thing (jusht like Columbo) the mighty van Wyk phoned me yesterday to tell me how much i would've enjoyed being where he was, if i'd been there, which i wasn't.

Cool website tho... CHECK IT OUT

I wanna make a film now. In my pants. Maybe i should watch one instead......

Arrrggghhhhh No Kung Fu Hustle....!!!!!!

AKIRA it is then....

Mog out

Friday, June 20, 2008

NEW MOG SITE...!!!!! (Subscribed yet????)

My new website is at MY NEW DOMAIN
Yes you can now see my antics via
Have you subscribed to this FEED yet???? Do it now at the top of the page.
There is a screencast coming at the weekend I feel. Muchos excitos yet again as i discover new ways to aggravate the contributory glands in all of ya.
Meantime check out this great story on the fantastic This is yet another fantastic tool for digital storytelling...Tell the world....Watch the skies....

Mog out.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Digital Story Workshops ONLINE???

I'm posting this up for those who i've sent links to regarding my unavailability to come and run workshops at the present time. I know i keep babbling on about using these online tools to capture stories but there is an issue of access especially for those working within LAs.

I think it's about time i put up a vodcast running through the whole concept as it's beginning to take shape in my mind. I shall do that on the weekend. Meantime Please check out the Flickr thing HERE.

I think this may be the way forward as i can't be everywhere at all that time i cloned myself and went to live on the moon...but i was so annoying i soon had to resort to hiding on Earth.

Anyway, I digress. You need to keep nagging me in order for this whole thing to take some shape. You need to get on and have a go. Don't be scared of's very user friendly, honest. After all if we're in the job of helping people overcome barriers in their life, then surely we should lead by example...

Mog Out...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Back from the Isle of Wight

Yeah we had a great time. So i thought it'd be better to make this film and post it up here. Lynne puts it better than me...Check out her review on

Check out the QIK vids from the fest HERE

ENJOY all the lovely people from the festival......

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Using Voicethread

Another fantastic FREE online tool. Check it out HERE

PicturePost - What story do you see?

PicturePost - What story do you see?

I just love this whole concept. Jump to the Flickr page to see some of the most amazing stories..add your own something similar...get inspired....

- What does this photo say to you?
- Making Space took eight pictures around Aberystwyth. This is one of them.
- They're now on display in the real world at Aberystwyth Arts Centre and in the online world here on Flickr.
- We're inviting you to add any stories or thoughts inspired by these photographs.
- Either by sending in a corresponding postcard from the Arts Centre or adding a comment below or a note directly on the picture.
**All 'making_space' comments and notes are the results of the postcards we've received.

Walking about...EXCITED

Here's my latest experiment on

I mean, how cool is this??? In terms of digital storytelling i reckon it's something i'll be using AAALLLLLL the time.....